Sunday, January 10, 2010


Read Above Darood Sharif 100 times in the morning and 100 times in the evening. Remember that time of reading this Darood Sharif should not change. For example if you read it at 7'o' clock in the morning and at 7 'o' clock in evening on the first day then you must try to read it daily on same time. And if you read it at same place daily that will be even better.One will feel very calm with one's self. InshAllah. One will be easily able to quit all bad habits like alcohol, telling a lie, abusing, etc. InshAllah. One will feel inclined towards prayers and good deeds. InshAllah. One will feel deep attachment with Allah and Prophet (PBUH). InshAllah. There are definitely more benefits of this Darood but I am writing here only those benefits * that I experienced my self for sure. You will definitely find your self changed within 21 days or may be even less InshAllah and if you do feel better and changed, do continue to read this Darood always as told above.

Who ever recites this Darood Hazaari in the Qabrastan [Muslim grave yard] three times, Allahu ta 'ala will take away the punishment of the grave of eighty [80] years. And whoeverrecites it four times in the Qabrastan Allah Subhaana Hoo will take away the Athaab ul Quboor [punishment of the grave] until the day of judgement. Who ever recites it twenty four timesAllah Subhaana Hoo will send a thousand angels who will look over, oversee and protect his parents in the grave till the Day of Judgement.

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